> I NEED a good starting formula. I worked out settlers. But, with
> Foundation, it seems very hard to get resources!!

To start Most  levels, I build a Water Tower, then a Farm, and put Wheat
production to Nil in the Farm.  This seems to give the required start.

Then Build a Peasant Hut.

If you have enough resources left, build a Refinery, to convert ore/coal to

Still got 15 Men spare ? Now build a Forresters Hut


Keep an eye on your food/water stocks, if either start to drop, build another
Farm or Water Tower.

If the number of Maidens exceeds 14, send the excess off to explore the land.
If they get killed, the lower numbers will allow more food/water to your
remaining people.

Wait untill you have 18 Men spare, build another Peasant Hut ..

> HELP!!!

I hope the above is of some help. I'm just starting level 39, so I must be
doing somthing right 

DONT try to expand to quickly .. take your time, it's not a game that can be
rushed ....